Content on social networks. Three types of content: what, where and why What types of positive content exist

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

– information content, in this case, a social network account. This is the information that we convey to readers through the news feed.

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Imagine that this is a huge shopping and entertainment center, where professional accounts serve as boutiques, shops, cafes, gaming centers, and so on. And if the window display of such a boutique is interestingly and informatively designed, a potential client will stop near it, read the ad, and then come in and buy. The information that we post on our wall on a social network is the design of our showcase.

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Types of content on social networks

The goal of any post is to create maximum engagement. Posts that receive a lot of likes and comments are shown to more users. Therefore, the information we provide must be varied and interesting for the target audience.

There are 6 types of content:

  • Educational;
  • Selling;
  • Communicative;
  • News;
  • Reputational;
  • Entertaining.

Educational content

This type of post is aimed at those readers who are looking for information. More often this is a b2b audience that seeks to obtain the necessary knowledge in order to monetize it in the future.

But the b2c audience of social networks is also loyal to educational content. An example of educational posts are short videos, where in a simple and understandable manner we tell you how to use the product or service offered without disclosing the price, otherwise the post will become a selling post.

Interesting and informative mini-presentations, also in video format, will tell you about new products and the latest trends in the chosen field. Such reviews indicate expertise and awareness and inspire confidence in the reader. We also use the format of illustrated articles.

If we know our target audience, we can determine what tasks they face. And competent information on the topic of solving these problems will also highlight the page and make it relevant for users. If our audience is athletes, we write an expert post on the topic of sports nutrition. The information will be useful to target subscribers and will show that we understand the topic.

Publications in the style of TOP 10 mistakes work great: we take a similar topic and describe common mistakes, giving information on how to eliminate these shortcomings.

Selling content

A common type of post that decorates the wall of work accounts and groups. But such “head-on” sales do not work on social networks, where people come to relax, communicate, and have fun. The sales process should be unobtrusive; the client first has a desire to buy, and then we offer him a product or service through a commercial one. As a percentage, the number of such publications does not exceed 20-30% of the total page content.

Promotions, discounts, events are examples of selling posts. In addition, we post video reviews of the products offered and short publications with descriptions, delivery methods and prices. In selling texts, it is important to use sales techniques that will make a potential client want to purchase a product or service. For example, the 3 YES technique or the technique of sales through storytelling.

The sales post answers the main question - what benefits will the client receive by making a purchase. Its distinctive feature is the declared value and description of the acquisition process.

Communicative (engaging) content

Such publications evoke a lively response from the audience. They satisfy the basic need of users - the need for communication. An example of engaging content for social networks are various surveys on topics of interest to the target audience.

There are posts where we ask readers for advice or touch on a provocative topic. You need to work with provocations carefully - sensitive topics evoke an immediate response, but you should control the comments and make sure that the topic does not turn into a banal quarrel between subscribers.

By posting a post asking for feedback, we engage the audience in a dialogue and receive an excellent sales tool. Reviews can be not only positive, but this should not be scary. Negative feedback is a reason to improve the service, correct errors and attract even more customers.

News content

News can be very different, but must necessarily resonate with the niche it occupies. We add lifestyle publications here: participation in charity events, seminars, banquets. The demand and activity of our enterprise will invariably inspire confidence among potential clients.

Interesting events in the lives of friends and partners are also the topic for a news post. For example, our partner, a beauty salon, is holding an Open Day. We post about this event on our wall.

If the news directly concerns our business, we post it as quickly as possible; hot news gets the maximum number of views.

Reputational content

This includes publications that work to increase the status and reputation of an enterprise. These can be positive reviews, reports, awards and certificates published in the feed.

We write about how our company was created, how the product is produced, how the idea came about, and so on. Readers are interested in learning some secrets; this builds trust in the page and works to increase popularity.

Sections with the invitation of a third-party expert are an excellent option for a profitable partnership. The more famous the invited guest in this case, the better.
We tag subscribers in our publications; the occasion could be a person’s birthday or an interesting post written by them. This technique allows you to increase coverage and works to strengthen your reputation.

Entertainment content

The choice of entertainment content depends on the needs of the target audience. If our subscribers are mostly young people, mini-games on the wall, quizzes, and riddles work great.

It’s interesting to take a psychological test, read a horoscope or reveal the secret of a name - people like to read about themselves, such posts get good coverage.

Humor is indispensable - we select jokes and funny pictures to suit our target.

Interesting facts, holiday greetings, creative wishes - all these are ideas for entertaining content. Its goal is to attract and retain subscribers on our page, increase impressions and coverage, and achieve maximum involvement.

Entertainment content makes up up to 30% of the total number of publications. In this case, our page will be interesting and in demand among readers.

Rules for creating content for social networks

  • Post length up to 2000 characters. The length of posts posted varies depending on the social network, but this figure is the maximum. Facebook users are a reading audience, but VKontakte and Instagram are dynamic networks where a long post will remain unread.
  • Be sure to use interesting and high-quality photos, preferably copyright ones.
  • Write in simple and understandable language, close to colloquial. This way information is perceived more easily. The exception is expert posts that show our knowledge.
  • It is compiled for a month or a week, where the topics of posts and the dates of their publications are specified. Selling and entertainment posts occupy 30%, the remaining 40% is educational, reputational, news and communication content.
  • The frequency of publications is at least 1 post per day, but no more than 4.
  • When using auto-posting, it is necessary to adapt publications to the relevant social networks - our readers may be subscribed to us on different networks and they will not like to see repeated posts in their feeds.
  • We accompany the repost with our comment; the reader is interested not only in the information, but also in our personal assessment.

And regardless of the type of content and choice of social network, it is important to take into account the interests and needs of the target audience and offer not only goods and services, but also interesting, exciting and useful publications.


To maximize reach of your target audience, it is better to be present on all social networks. However, it is worth considering that the audiences of social networks often overlap, and if you choose the path of publishing the same content on all social networks, you can lose subscribers in all but one: after all, it is easier for a person to subscribe in one place than to see the same thing in different places. Same.

It is worth considering that the same person behaves differently on different social networks. On Instagram you can be interested in food and children, on Facebook you can write about work issues, and on VKontakte you can look for entertaining content.

What types of content are there on social networks?

Selling or commercialactually advertising goods or services. It is in this format that you should talk about yourself, what and how is produced, motivate to subscribe, call or contact in any other way. Also in commercial posts you should use calls to action: Subscribe, call, buy, etc. There should be little commercial content, otherwise subscribers can quickly unsubscribe; few people like the dominance of advertising in their feeds.

Information content:useful articles, news, life hacks. This also includes webinars, translations of articles and other content that brings practical benefit to users. Information can also include company news, industry news, and vacancies.

Entertainment content –everything that can entertain and amuse users. Funny pictures and memes, stories, quotes, riddles.

Interactive or engaging content– these are messages that motivate communication with users. Surveys, chats, suggestions for improving a product or service. Any content that motivates the user to start communicating with the company or with each other.

User Content– this is what the users themselves produce: product reviews, product reviews, video reviews of purchases, etc. The more loyal and active subscribers are, the higher quality and useful content they can produce.

What is the best thing to write about on different social networks?


The Facebook audience is interested in useful content: news, politics, development, work. Ideal for Facebook is content that encourages discussion and sharing. Don’t forget about Facebook’s algorithms, which depend on reactions to content: the more reactions, the higher the reach.


The social network for visual learners appreciates stories in beautiful pictures and videos. Users actively share their personal lives and are inspired by other people's photos and videos. Intagrammers are interested in handmade goods, health, children, travel, food - everything that can create a beautiful picture.

In contact with

Entertaining and engaging content is ideal for this audience.

Greetings, my Dear Ones. I have written more than once that content rules and it is the key to the success of your projects. But I rarely talk about what content is, what types it comes in, what features and purposes it has. But this is also very important! Therefore, today I decided to devote my article to the king of Internet projects - content.

In fact, we can talk about content forever. But in today’s post, I will only talk about the main types of content that you need to use on your blogs.

What is content?

Word " Content" comes from the English word " Content", which translates as " Content«.

Accordingly, in content marketing this concept means any type of information that is on the site. In other words, content is the material of any site (filling) for which visitors come to the site.

As I wrote above, content is the basis of any Internet project, be it a website, blog or information product. And factors such as traffic, subscription and client base, and, accordingly, earnings directly depend on it. This is why it is very important to treat your content with all your heart and put as much effort into creating it as possible.

It’s no secret that search engines used to rank sites based on factors such as article optimization, for example, spamming with bold text, buying links, etc. Now such actions not only do not work, but also make the situation worse. Currently, search engines pay attention to on the quality and usefulness of the article!

Another factor that depends on the quality of content is user behavior, that is, the behavioral factor. After all, if your material is uninteresting, then with a high probability the user will immediately leave the blog, and most likely to your competitor. And if the content is useful and interesting, then there is a chance that, in addition to studying this material, the visitor will also go to other pages of your blog.

We have understood the concept, now let's move on to something more interesting, namely, what main types of content exist and what is the purpose of each of them!

And each of these groups contains several more species. Let's take a look at each of them. And we'll start with a group called " Text“, which every blogger is already familiar with.

1. Text article— Absolutely everyone is familiar with this type of content, because it is the one that is most in demand and relevant today. Essentially, this type includes media-style articles. Text, text and more text.

2. Technical article- this type is also familiar to everyone and is no less used in blogging. This type includes articles that are devoted to some technical issues, for example.

3. Interview- are used much less frequently than the two previous types, but in fact they are no less effective in terms of providing important information. You can read more about the interview.

4. Reviews- a type used in rather narrow topics, for example, on sites with reviews of electronics or cars. But it can also be used in other topics, but much less frequently than all the previous types described by me.

5. Polls- this species does not quite belong to this group, but still it should not be overlooked. You can use survey posts only, or write text or technical articles using a survey inside a post. This allows you to collect the information you need without much effort.

We have successfully dealt with the first group, now let’s move on to the second, which is called “ Video". What does this include and what is its purpose?

6. Video podcast- is used most often in such areas as, and very rarely in blogging, although it’s a pity. This type consists in the fact that the author of an Internet project records a video where he himself writes down a certain topic for his readers, visitors or clients and gives an answer to the question posed at the beginning. This type perfectly complements a text or technical article!

7. Screencast- a more commonly used type, which consists in the fact that the author records a video from the screen of his computer or laptop, for example, a slide presentation, where he again talks about the topic and gives an answer to the question posed. This type is often used both in blogging and in the information business and is intended, as I already said, to educate the visitor on a particular topic.

The third group is called " Audio"and contains only one main type.

8. Audio podcast- in fact, this type is very similar to the two described above, but differs in that it is recorded only with a microphone, without using a video camera or recording from a computer screen. That is, again, you talk about the topic in your voice and give an answer to the question posed, but simply in audio format.

And last but not least used group " Graphic arts“, which is practically not used separately from the “Text” group, because It is in the aggregate that it has indescribable advantages over others.

8. Images— this type includes ordinary images in posts, for example, as in this article, diagrams, drawings, photographs and animations. Here I think there is no need to tell anything, everything is already painfully familiar and understandable.

9. Infographics- but this type has recently become more and more popular, and for good reason. Infographics are a specially drawn image that allows you to accommodate an article of any size in the form of clear and short diagrams, notes, pictures, etc.

So we have explained to you what content is, what types it comes in and what purpose each of them has. Now is the time to move on to how to most correctly create content for your Internet projects so that they bring maximum benefit.

The most important rule that applies to all types of content, which must be remembered once and for all, is that content should be as useful as possible for your readers. Now many will say “Yeah, he just discovered America”... Yes, this rule has already been tortured to the point of horror and it is said at every step, by everyone who is not too lazy. But why? Why then do many people still write disgusting articles, record terrible videos and post clumsy infographics!? Understand that if you want to achieve great results in blogging, teach a thousand people, then start with yourself, start with teaching yourself! Learn to write cool articles, you can, learn to record useful screencasts, buy a high-quality camera and start recording videos, etc.

And only after you teach yourself, then only then start teaching others! That's when you will truly be successful!

Say STOP to rewriting and other theft of other people's content! Create your own unique content and promote Russian blogging to a new level!

And you can read more about writing articles in my other article, the link to which I gave just above.


On this I think it is worth ending this article. If you have read it from beginning to end, please leave your comment below. Or, if you have any question, ask it, also in the form of comments below. I will definitely answer it.